On October 14, 2021, the Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition, Inc. (ONAC) co-hosted a training with Code for America to provide information on how to help Native families claim their Child Tax Credit (CTC) and missing stimulus payments.
Why is ONAC interested in helping Native families claim their CTC? We care because the CTC helps reduce child poverty among Native children. (https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2021/03/11/new-child-tax-credit-could-slash-poverty-now-and-boost-social-mobility-later/).
Tribal governments and Native-led nonprofits may be interested in helping Native families claim their CTC and/or missing stimulus payments by directing them to the GetCTC.org non-filer tool. The GetCTC.org portal is open until November 15, 2021 (while the IRS non-filer portal closes October 15, 2021).
GetCTC.org is an IRS-approved official E-file provider. The portal was made in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Treasury and the White House, to try to help people claim the advance Child Tax Credit payments (https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy0322).
If you are interested in connecting tribal citizens to this portal, as a GetCTC.org navigator, we are sharing the following resources from the training:
· Recording of yesterday's presentation
· Presentation slides
· Navigator resource page: GetCTC.org/navigators
· Recommended outreach materials
o Social Press Kit's outreach toolkit
o Center on Budget and Policy Priorities toolkit
If those assisting with CTC navigator outreach have additional questions, they can join Code for America for their regularly scheduled Navigator Q&A session every other Friday from 2-3 pm ET. The next one is today, October 15th. They accept registrations to join up until the time the Q&A sessions begin.
Tribal governments and Native-led nonprofits might be interested in tracking their CTC outreach by requesting an unique URL through GetCTC.org. It only takes a few minutes to complete the request for a unique URL. For those not interested in tracking their outreach, if you need a link, here is ONAC's URL: www.GetCTC.org/ONAC, or you may direct tribal citizens to www.GetCTC.org (with no outreach tracking). From ONAC's perspective, we are interested in getting the word out about the benefits of claiming the CTC, and in helping build the capacity of others interested in these time-sensitive outreach efforts. Thus, our interest in co-hosting the training yesterday to try to get as many Native navigators prepared to share information about the non-filer tool. Please know that you can help direct individuals to the portal even if you are not a tax preparer.
Having a checking or savings account will help Native families to gain a safe place to deposit their advance Child Tax Credit payments and missing stimulus payments. Attached is a flyer we generated this week, as part of the ONAC Get Banked Indian Country initiative, that provides information about the CTC and suggestions for opening a safe and affordable bank account.
Here is the contact information for our contact at Code for America, in case you have questions about GetCTC.org outreach:
Courtney O'Reilly, Navigator Program Manager, GetYourRefund
Coreilly@codeforamerica.org// c: 909.702.6555
Learn more about Code for America and GetYourRefund
If you need additional information from ONAC, please let us know.
The ONAC Team