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  • 12 Mar 2025 5:56 AM | Christy Finsel (Administrator)

    Tribal Nations are classified as political entities due to their longstanding history as sovereign nations. Tribal membership is not a racial category but, instead, is a political one that entails rights and responsibilities. There are nation-to-nation relationships between Tribal Nations and the United States. The federal government has obligations to uphold its trust responsibilities. 

    There are 574 federally recognized tribes in the United States. The citizens of these sovereign tribal governments reside worldwide, including in rural and urban areas throughout the United States. Tribal Nations are recognized under the laws of the United States as domestic dependent nations. They have been recognized as such in the United States Constitution, a number of treaties, and through federal Indian case law which is recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court. ONAC works with a number of these Tribal Nations and their citizens, as well as others. 








  • 12 Mar 2025 5:42 AM | Christy Finsel (Administrator)

    The Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition, Inc. (ONAC) was awarded $1.050MM for its down payment assistance program through FHLBank Topeka’s 2024 Affordable Housing Program (AHP).

    According to Gateway First Bank, "this year, $31.3 million in AHP grants were made in partnership with FHLBank Topeka’s member financial institutions. A total of 26 projects in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma will give 1,699 very low-, low-, and moderate-income households a place to call home."

    ONAC's program down payment assistance program is open to all homebuyers. This funding from the FHLBank Topeka will allow ONAC to provide down payment assistance in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma to those who meet the FHLBank Topeka guidelines (more to follow).

    Given this new funding, ONAC intends to restart its down payment assistance program by summer 2025. 

    ONAC is grateful for this support from the FHLBank Topeka!

  • 11 Mar 2025 10:36 AM | Christy Finsel (Administrator)

    ONAC is accepting CSA applications from parents/guardians for their children ages birth to 22. To participate, there is a two-step process. Both steps must be completed:

    1. Parents/guardians should first open a 529 College Savings Account. You can open it in the state you reside. If you prefer, you can open it in Oklahoma, regardless if you reside in the state or not. Here is the link for the Oklahoma 529 website: https://www.oklahoma529.comParents are issued a 529 account number once they open an account for their child.

    2. Parents/guardians can then include that new 529 account number in the ONAC CSA application found here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ONAC24ONAC will then write a check payable to the 529 College Savings Plan to provide a $100 account deposit for each account. ONAC will directly mail the check to the 529 College Savings Plan. It can take a few weeks for the funds to show as deposited in the account. The plan will inform you once the deposit has been made into your child's account. Please note that there is a tax penalty if the funds are withdrawn for non-education purposes. Once the account is opened by you and funded by ONAC, you can add additional funds to the account over the years. Again, if you do not reside in Oklahoma, you may still open a 529 account for your children through the Oklahoma 529 Plan. Your child can use these funds for approved post-secondary education purchases at schools throughout the United States. 

    If you have questions when completing the ONAC CSA application, please contact Christy Finsel at cfinsel@oknativeassets.org.
  • 10 Mar 2025 9:28 AM | Christy Finsel (Administrator)

    Greetings! A friendly reminder that ONAC offers free financial coaching (by phone and teleconference) regardless of where participants reside in the U.S. This program is available to all interested participants. Here is the registration link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ONACcounselingregistration 

    From June 2020 to present, 1,404 registrants from 41 states and 175 Tribal Nations have registered for the coaching.  

    This coaching may be helpful to those who are working on their annual budget. Other coaching participants may find the coaching helpful as they prepare to purchase a home or to build or repair their credit. Once registrants have started the financial coaching, they are invited to participate in additional asset-building programs. 

    Thank you for all your assistance to help share information about this program. ONAC is grateful to the Wells Fargo Foundation and the Chickasaw Nation for their financial support of the ONAC financial coaching program.

    Here is a link to the flyer. 

  • 07 Oct 2024 3:21 PM | Christy Finsel (Administrator)

    The Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition, Inc., a national Native-led nonprofit, invites you to attend our 2024 conference and philanthropic listening and matchmaking session. The events will be held in Oklahoma City from December 3­­–5, 2024.  To ensure expenses do not hinder participation, especially for those employed by Tribal governments or Native-led nonprofits, the registration fee will be set at $100 for all three days.

    To register for the conference, go to: https://bit.ly/ONACConference24

    Here is the agenda: https://bit.ly/ONACagenda

    Proposals from those making pitches on December 3rd during the ONAC matchmaking event

    Tuesday, December 3, 2024, 9:15 a.m.–6:30 p.m.
    Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition– “Building Assets for Generations in Indian Country
    Philanthropic Listening and Matchmaking Session

    Chesapeake Room
    Oklahoma History Center
    800 Nazih Zudhi Drive
    Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105
    Doors open at 8:30 a.m. 
    Breakfast and lunch are included, followed by an evening reception (heavy hors d'oeuvres).

    The day will feature a Philanthropic Listening and Matchmaking Session aimed at fostering private, philanthropic, and federal investments in asset-building projects across Native communities nationwide. As one of many Native asset-building organizations facing challenges in scaling programs due to underfunding, ONAC is hosting this event to foster relationships between asset-building practitioners and those interested in supporting their work. The day will focus on discussions and presentations about Native asset-building needs and opportunities to help more Native families and communities build assets that matter to them.

    If your tribal government or Native-led nonprofit is interested in submitting a project proposal for funding, we invite you to complete this form by November 1, 2024: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ONACOCCSix to eight projects will be selected to present to a group of funders, federal partners, and other allies during the ONAC Conference on December 3rd. Projects that are not selected will still be included in a repository for those interested in supporting such efforts at a later date. ONAC will make the submitted proposal sheets available at other regional and national philanthropic events throughout the year.

    Please note that while ONAC cannot guarantee successful matchmaking, we are committed to creating more opportunities for relationship building between practitioners working with Native families and those interested in supporting these efforts. 

    Wednesday, December 4, 2024, 8:15 a.m.–6:00 p.m.
    Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition– “Building Assets for Generations in Indian Country
    Hall of The People
    First Americans Museum
    659 First Americans Boulevard
    Oklahoma City, OK 73129
    Doors open at 8 a.m. 
    Breakfast and lunch are included, followed by an evening reception 
    (heavy hors d'oeuvres).

    The day will feature a Tribal welcome, an overview of the current state of Native asset-building and ONAC updates, and a session on integrating Native Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) into asset-building initiatives. Robert Miller, J.D., from the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law at Arizona State University will present on the realities of Native lands nationwide post McGirt v. Oklahoma. Additional sessions will cover Native homeownership challenges, digital equity and asset-building efforts, and more. 

    Thursday, December 5, 2024, 8:15 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
    Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition– “Building Assets for Generations in Indian Country
    Five Moons Theater
    First Americans Museum
    659 First Americans Boulevard
    Oklahoma City, OK 73129
    Doors open at 8 a.m. 
    Breakfast and lunch are included.

    The day will include a Freddie Mac and Smart Home America Climate Resiliency Training, a session focused on clean energy, resources and partnerships for scaling Native asset-building initiatives across the country, and more. The day will conclude with a tour of the First Americans Museum. 

    Click here to view the agenda. 


    ONAC has reserved a block of rooms for December 2–5, 2024, at the Embassy Suites Oklahoma City Downtown Medical Center, located at 741 North Phillips Avenue, Oklahoma City, 73104.

    The block offers a government rate of $116 per night and a regular (non-government) rate of $149 per night. Check-in is at 4 p.m. and check-out is at 11 a.m. For those with vehicles, there is a $15 per night self-parking fee. The hotel provides breakfast for its guests.

    To book a room, please see below. 

    Government rate of $116 per night: 


    Non-government rate of $149 per night: 

    Click Here to Book the Group Block!

    If the room block becomes full, please call Christy Finsel, ONAC Executive Director, at 405-720-0770 for more options.

  • 16 Apr 2024 6:59 AM | Christy Finsel (Administrator)

    ONAC Announces National Grant Awards in Support of 

    Native Asset-Building Efforts

    The Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition, Inc. (ONAC), a national Native-led nonprofit, announces that it awarded $205,000 in invitation-only subgrants to twenty Native Volunteer Income Tax Assistance sites during this recently-concluded tax season to assist them in providing Native-led tax preparation services for their tribal communities. The twenty grant awards represent the largest number of grant awards made in the country, during this tax season, by one grantor in support of Native VITA sites. As a national intermediary grant funder, ONAC was able to make these awards through the support of the Wells Fargo Foundation with additional funding from the Bank of America Charitable Foundation. To support this VITA initiative and ONAC's other programs, ONAC also received general operating resources from The Kresge Foundation and the Target Foundation. ONAC is grateful for this generous support and believes that funding Native VITA programs is a crucial piece of its efforts to provide integrated asset-building services in Native communities. 

    These grant awards are part of ONAC's ongoing coordination of the only nationally-focused Native Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)/Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Network. ONAC organizes this Network to provide resources and peer learning exchanges among Native VITA practitioners and related supporters throughout the country. As part of ONAC's coordination of the Network, ONAC serves on the national Taxpayer Opportunity Network (TON) Steering Committee and is in regular communication with IRS staff and other national entities working on EITC outreach and VITA. For those interested in joining the ONAC Native EITC/VITA Network, with coordination led by Patsy Schramm (Cherokee Nation) of ONAC, please complete the following online registration form: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ONACVITA.

    ONAC congratulates the following ONAC 2024 Native VITA mini-grant awardees on a successful tax season: 

    1. Cherokee Nation Commerce Services (Tahlequah, Oklahoma)
    2. Chief Dull Knife College (Lame Deer, Montana)
    3. Community Development Financial Institution of the Tohono O'odham Nation (Sells, Arizona)
    4. Duck Valley Housing Authority (Owyhee, Nevada)
    5. Fallon Paiute Shoshone Tribe (Fallon, Nevada)
    6. Four Directions Development Corporation (Orono, Maine)
    7. Lakota Funds (Kyle, South Dakota)
    8. Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi (Fulton, Michigan)
    9. Pueblo of Acoma Housing Authority (Pueblo of Acoma, New Mexico)
    10. Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of the Fort Hall Indian Reservation (Fort Hall, Idaho)
    11. Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohican Indians (Bowler, Wisconsin)
    12. The Chickasaw Nation (Ada, Oklahoma)
    13. The Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin (Keshena, Wisconsin)
    14. The Muscogee Nation (Okmulgee, Oklahoma)
    15. Tlingit Haida Regional Housing Authority (Juneau, Alaska)
    16. Walker River Paiute Tribe (Schurz, Nevada)
    17. Warm Springs Community Action Team (Warm Springs, Oregon)
    18. White Earth Investment Initiative (Ogema, Minnesota) 
    19. White Mountain Apache Housing Authority (Whiteriver, Arizona)
    20. Ysleta del Sur Pueblo (El Paso, Texas)

    Since 2014, ONAC has awarded a total of 105 grants ($868,900 total) to tribes and Native nonprofits in support of their asset-building programs. Grant awards have been made in Alaska, Arizona, Connecticut, Idaho, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, and Wisconsin. As additional resources are secured, ONAC will continue to expand grant support in other states. ONAC appreciates the partnerships with these grantees and all their work to build assets in Native communities. 

    The importance of Native VITA programs: 

    Native VITA services are crucial as this free tax preparation is offered by trusted sources in local Native communities. For those without broadband access and affordable devices on which to complete online tax returns, in-person Native VITA services help tribal citizens to claim their tax credits and to use tax time as asset-building time. ONAC will receive the data reports from the 2024 grantees this fall (as some offer year-round VITA services). To convey the impact of Native VITA services, ONAC can report on the data from twenty grantees in 2023. Those twenty ONAC grantees served 12,235 tribal citizens and helped them claim $19,670,489 in federal tax refundsOf those 12,235 tribal citizens, 3,450 individuals claimed $6,618,538 through the EITC and 2,561 families claimed $4,413,077 through the Child Tax Credit (CTC). It is important to note that these funds went directly to Native VITA clientele, in full, without any filing fees.

    About the Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition, Inc.: 

    The Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition (ONAC), started in 2001, is a national Native-led nonprofit that works with tribes and partners interested in establishing asset-building initiatives and programs in Native communities, for the purpose of creating greater economic opportunities for economic self-sufficiency of tribal citizens. ONAC is an intermediary funder, grassroots network coordinator, and also a direct service provider that works with Native families to build their assets through ONAC's provision of Native-specific financial education and financial coaching, as well as funding of Children's Savings Accounts (CSAs), Emergency Savings Accounts (ESAs), down payment assistance, incentivized Bank On accounts, and emergency cash assistance. 

    The mission of ONAC is to build and support a network of Native people who are dedicated to increasing self-sufficiency and prosperity in their communities through the establishment of integrated and culturally relevant financial education and financial coaching initiatives, as well as seed-funded account programs, down payment assistance, EITC outreach, free tax preparation, expanded banking access, and other asset-building strategies. 

    Asset-building programs often simultaneously address family economic security, food sovereignty, financial literacy, and preservation of Native languages and arts. ONAC believes strongly in the importance of creating programming that incorporates Native worldviews, traditions, arts, and languages into Native asset-building efforts. 

    For further information: 

    Contact Christy Finsel, Ph.D., (Osage Nation), ONAC Executive Director, cfinsel@oknativeassets.org. Also, see https://www.oknativeassets.org.

  • 12 Apr 2024 1:04 PM | Christy Finsel (Administrator)

    The Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition, Inc. and First Nations Development Institute are pleased to announce a spring Building Native Communities: Financial Skills for Families Virtual Train-the-Trainer Workshop on May 14-16, 2024.

    Back by popular demand and with generous support from the FINRA Investor Education Foundation and the Wells Fargo Foundation, this three-day financial education certification* workshop will feature in-depth instruction on the 5th Edition BNC Financial Skills for Families curriculum with an emphasis on strategies and solutions for both virtual and in-person settings. This training is an ideal fit for trainers, financial counselors, asset-building specialists, and anyone else looking for unique financial education capacity building training. Featured topics include: spending plans and goal setting, credit reports, fraud awareness, negotiating big ticket purchases, and much more. There is no cost to attend this training; however, space is limited so please reserve your spot today by registering today. 

    *Following the workshop participants will have until Friday, May 17, 2024, to complete the online certification exam.  

    Event: Building Native Communities Virtual Train-the-Trainer Workshop

    When: May 14th, 15th, and 16th, 2024

                1:30 PM to 4:30 PM CST (all days)

    The agenda is attached.

    For more information, contact Shawn Spruce (agoyopi@gmail.com or 505-917-0709) or Christy Finsel (cfinsel@oknativeassets.org or 405-720-0770).

  • 20 Feb 2024 8:00 AM | Christy Finsel (Administrator)

    The Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition, Inc. (ONAC) has partnered with IRS Stakeholder Partnerships, Education, and Communication (SPEC) and agreed to post a link on our website to On-Line Taxes, Inc. 

    For the next tax season, if you are a filing a simple return, you are invited to file your federal return, for free, by using this On-Line Taxes, Inc. link: https://www.olt.com/main/vita/getstarted.php?affiliate=VITAFREE&linkID=S27091832

    Please note: If you, or someone you know, have an adjusted gross income of $45,000 or less, you may complete your federal and state returns for free, via On-Line Taxes, Inc. If you are over income, the federal return is free and each state return is $9.95. 

    For those wishing to file via a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) site, you may search for sites near you at https://www.irs.gov/individuals/free-tax-return-preparation-for-qualifying-taxpayers. 

    After you select the link above, scroll down to Find a VITA or Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) Site Near You. You will need to use both the VITA/TCE Locator Tool, as well as the AARP Tax-Aide Site Locator Tools to obtain a complete list. 

  • 31 Aug 2023 12:18 PM | Christy Finsel (Administrator)

    Yesterday, ONAC participated in the T25 Indigenous-led Funds Webinar. ONAC was grateful to Integrated Capital Investing for the opportunity to speak with the others on the panel about our national work, understandings of culturally relevant Native asset building, relationships with multiple public/private partners, plans for a revolving loan fund, and need for capital. We are happy to continue the conversation from yesterday with those interested in supporting Native-led asset-building efforts. 

    Here are the bios and resources. Also, here is the link to the recording from the webinar. 

    Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars, Screen Sharing

  • 19 Aug 2023 1:19 PM | Christy Finsel (Administrator)

    Earlier this year, ONAC was selected as one of 25 funds across the United States that are focused on integrated capital (Transformative 25, https://iciaptos.com/the-transformative-25/). ONAC is grateful for inclusion in this annual list of funds. 

    Last year, ONAC received a generous anonymous $1,000,000 donation. As a nationally-focused Native-led nonprofit, we continue to administer seven Native asset-building programs. Soon, by leveraging a portion of the anonymous donation, we will also launch a revolving loan fund that we are calling the ONAC Fund. ONAC plans to start small and offer loans to participants in the ONAC financial coaching program who have expressed a need for capital. 

    We invite you to participate in a webinar on August 30th where ONAC will speak more about how we plan to connect borrowers to the other wrap-around asset-building programs we currently administer (such as seed-funded Children's Savings Accounts and emergency savings accounts, Native-specific financial education, connections to Native VITA programs, down payment assistance, banking access, free financial coaching, etc.).

    To learn more about several of the Native-led funds in this Transformative 25 cohort (including ONAC's Fund), please see the webinar registration information below. We hope you will join us!

    Indigenous-led Funds: a Transformative 25 Event 

    Join us on August 30th at 11 am PDT / 2 pm EST where we will hear from Indigenous-led fund leaders about their work and contributions to transforming finance for people and the planet. Vanessa Roanhorse, Roanhorse Consulting & Native Women Lead (a T25 2022 Fund), will moderate. 


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Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition 
(405) 720-0770

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