What Is Native Bank On ONAC?Native Bank On ONAC is committed to helping Native communities across the United States access safe and affordable banking products and services. Our goal is to partner with local financial institutions to facilitate account access and work to integrate banking access strategies into Native-led nonprofits and tribal social services. Along with dozens of other Bank On initiatives across the country, Native Bank On ONAC works with partners from across sectors to connect tribal citizens to products that meet Bank On National Account Standards. These local initiatives work together to improve the financial stability of unbanked and underbanked residents in their communities and connect them to safe, affordable bank and credit union accounts. Native Bank On ONAC also helps tribal citizens with information about how to use these products effectively and how to navigate the consumer finance marketplace successfully. Additionally, ONAC provides incentive funding for Bank On accounts for tribal citizens. Here is a link to the map with all the financial institutions that have Bank On certified accounts: https://joinbankon.org/accounts/. You can click on each state to see the list of available Bank On accounts in that state. Currently, ONAC is in conversation with other financial institutions serving tribal citizens in other parts of the country about their interest in applying for Bank On certification for one of their accounts. As a direct service provider, ONAC seeks to integrate access to safe and affordable accounts throughout ONAC's asset building programs. Thus for example, in ONAC's account applications for emergency savings accounts, down payment assistance, and emergency cash assistance, ONAC includes Bank On information to help tribal citizens have access to safe and affordable accounts. ONAC also sends Bank On information to those receiving funding for Children's Savings Accounts from ONAC and provides Bank On information to tribal citizens participating in ONAC's financial coaching program. For more information about Native Bank On ONAC, contact Karen Edwards (Choctaw), Manager, Native Bank On ONAC, at kedwards@oknativeassets.org. For FDIC banking access resources go to www.fdic.gov/getbanked. 2022-2023 Native Bank On ONAC/Get Banked Indian Country Resources How to Access Affordable Internet Access for Online BankingGet Banked Indian Country Handout The Price of Entry: Banking in America (ONAC is quoted in this February 2023 report by the Aspen Institute) Webinar slides from February 28, 2023 FDIC Webinar (offered in partnership with ONAC) 2019-2021 Native Bank On ONAC Resources Flyer: Get Banked Indian Country Incentive Drawing Join us for a FDIC webinar on November 10, 2021. During the webinar, ONAC will discuss Native Bank On ONAC, messaging to the unbanked and underbanked, and the Get Banked Indian Country campaign. Agenda: Economic Inclusion for Native Americans: Access to Safe and Affordable Accounts. Go here to register: https://web.cvent.com/event/ce080f6e-b407-4acf-a3da-3dd58ce78425/summary Get Banked Indian Country: Claiming the Child Tax Credit (CTC) Native Bank On Resources for Tribal Citizens Needing Bank Accounts Amid "Stay at Home" Orders Bank On Account Option in Shawnee, OK Bank On Account Option in Anadarko, OK Economic Impact Payments and Native Bank On Link to FDIC Page Regarding Receiving IRS Economic Impact Payments and Connection to Bank On Information Regarding Federal COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments (EIP) Sent by Prepaid Debit Card Bank On Incentives at AllNations Bank Bank On Incentives at First State Bank of Anadarko Flyer Promoting BancFirst E-Connect Account Flyer Regarding Bank On Incentives at BancFirst Native Bank On ONAC Overview Flyer |