ONAC Publications ONAC Reports, Resource Guides, and Curriculum Edwards, K. & Finsel, C. (March 11, 2021). Interim data report on Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition, Inc. (ONAC) Emergency Savings Account Initiatives: 2015-2021. Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition, Inc. Edwards, K. & Finsel, C. (September 2021). What Features Should You Look for When Opening a Savings or Checking Account at a Bank or Credit Union? Oklahoma City, OK: Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition, Inc. Finsel, C. (2016). ONAC Youth Savings Account Booklet. Saint Louis, MO: Christina Finsel Consulting LLC. Finsel, C. (2020). Native Children’s Savings Initiatives in the United States. Oklahoma City, OK: Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition, Inc. Finsel, C. & Edwards, K. (September 2021). Wealth Building for Native Families and Communities. The Future of Building Wealth: Brief Essays on the Best Ideas to Build Wealth - for Everyone. The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis & The Aspen Institute. FutureofWealth.org. Finsel, C. & Thompson, K. (November 2024, updated). Realities Facing American Indian Homebuyers From the Perspective of a Native Down Payment Assistance Provider. Oklahoma City, OK: Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition, Inc. Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition, Inc. (2021). Resource guide for Native women entrepreneurs in the U.S. Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition, Inc. (2020). Going remote: Providing native-specific financial education and coaching in a virtual setting. Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition, Inc. (2019). ONAC Children’s Savings Account Program 529 Plan Investor Education Booklet. Schramm, P. (2020). Native Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program experiences of providing remote and/or socially distanced services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Oklahoma City, OK: Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition, Inc. Schramm, P., Finsel, C., & Thompson, K. (2023). Need for In-Person Native VITA Services and Facilitated Self-Assistance (FSA) Filing Models. Oklahoma City, OK: Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition, Inc. Wagner, K. & Finsel, C. (2021). Distributing Emergency Cash Assistance to Native Families During a Pandemic. Oklahoma City, OK: Oklahoma Native Assets Coalition, Inc. ONAC Annual Reports Research Related to ONAC Published By Other Authors Aspen Institute Financial Security Program. (2023). The Price of Entry: Banking in America. https://www.aspeninstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/The-Price-of-Entry-PDF.pdf Collins, J. M. & Lorenz, K. (2020). Achieving Financial Resilience in the Face of Financial Setbacks. Asset Funders Network. https://assetfunders.org/resource/achieving-financial-resilience-in-the-face-of-financial-setbacks-2/ Federal Trade Commission. (2023). Consumer Issues Affecting American Indian and Alaska Native Communities. A Report to Congress, March 15, 2023. and other publications... |